Remotely access linux devices

How to remotely access shell of a Linux device over Internet

Remotely access linux devices


Linux is a popular choice operating system for various use-cases in IoT & Edge computing. Once these devices are deployed remotely, it is critical to have a secure remote shell over the Internet. Examples of these devices could be Raspberry Pis and flavors, Intel NUC boards, mini-computers, mini-servers, NXP – IMX boards, Servers IoT Gateways or Custom boards running any variant of Linux.

The below steps will help you to connect to the devices even behind a firewall or NAT’ted and without the need for public IP address.


To get your Linux based devices onboarded and access, just follow the below steps:

Step 1: Sign-up at AiKaan’s experience portal, Completely free of cost.

Aikaan remote shell access linux 0

Step 2: Follow this video to login and onboard your Linux running devices to the AiKaan platform, alternatively you can follow the below steps:

Step 2.1: Login to the AiKaan experience portal where you just signed up and go to the Device profile section.

AiKaan shell access blog 1


Step 2.2: Click on the default profile to onboard the device and copy the curl command in the “Install agent” section of the device profile.

AiKaan remote terminal access image 2


Step 2.3: Paste the above-copied curl command to the console of the connected Linux device once and this should install the agent on the device in a couple of minutes

Aikaan remote terminal access linux devices image 4


Step 3: Now the device is onboarded on the AiKaan platform. Click on the device you wish to connect from the “device list”

AiKaan remote terminal access image 4


Step 4: Simply connect either via browser or your favourite terminal by copying the “ssh” command and replacing your user-name at the end.


Aikaan remote shell access image 5Remote connect through browser or terminal


AiKaan linux shell access image 6Remote device connected via a browser.

The complete steps to remotely access IoT devices are mentioned in this video as well.

Other functional features that can be performed from your AiKaan portal is to :

  • Execute commands remotely to these devices in Bulk.
  • Upgrade the devices (OTA) and the connected leaf nodes with applications, firmware or configurations.
  • Discover other devices in the same network & remotely access them if allowed with proper credentials.

Sign-up now to manage, monitor, securely remote access & upgrade (OTA) IoT edge devices & applications.

Experience AiKaan controller

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