Iot smart cities

How IoT Technology Optimize Energy Consumption and Improve Sustainability in Smart Cities

Smart cities are not just a concept or exist on only paper anymore. They are a reality today. Because of the many innovative Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and IoT technology, smart cities are also expanding rapidly on our planet. The picture of our planet with low-density, rural populations is changing with greater speed than ever. By 2030, it is estimated that more than 43 cities would house more than 10 million people each. With increased pressure on civic amenity providers, to make available natural and civic resources, many are resorting to innovative ways to solve the challenges that arise thereof. 

Smart cities are leveraging technological advances, their IT infrastructure and IoT technology to come up with intelligent innovations. With these, they aim to deliver a superior quality of life to their residents. Many of the cities are also keeping the UN Sustainable goals as their beacon to improve sustainability. Some cities have resolved to remove plastic completely by 2030.

IoT technology

IoT Data Analytics

A combination of data analytics and IoT appear to be a formidable combination when it is about reaching sustainability milestones successfully. However, the best outputs depend on the data collected from the sensors and the available IoT technology. The available infrastructure has to subsequently store, process, and manage this data. 

The components that facilitate the IoT infrastructure sensors include sensors that collect the required data and send it to the cloud, actuators that control the movement of the device/component, cloud gateways for access and data flow, data warehouses and data lakes, among others. The data is collecting via sensors, actuators, smart applications and smartphones. This data is then analyzed. 

IoT Technology Architecture in a Smart City

The technologies used for analytics are both cost-effective and accessible, and these help in real-time monitoring and implementation actions based on evidence. IoT solutions and data analytics technologies combinations

Optimal combinations of these two are helping many cities build sustainability by reducing their environmental footprints and becoming more eco-friendly.

IoT technology architecture in a smart city

1. Managing wastes

Sensors are fitted into sewer pipes to identify and warn authorities about leaks of dangerous substances like H2S and advanced analytics helps in preventive maintenance. They are useing in combination with advanced aerial surveillance technologies and infrared circuitry can help to pin companies that are polluting the sewer waters. On land, IoT-enabled garbage systems, connectivity between machines and using optimized routes all help in less fuel consumption and improve waste-collection efficiency. 

 2. Reducing plastic consumption

Of all the plastic that has been produce in the world, over 75% has become a complete waste. This is a terrifying statistic. People dump plastic as waste in landfills, in water, and in the ground and ultimately this waste plastic ends up leaching into oceans. Our plastic disposal strategies are inefficient and there is no strenuous effort towards banning further production of plastic. 

However, many governments in the world are trying to incentivize plastic disposal programs, track the collection and transportation of plastics and track the sale of recycled plastic. Data collected using sensors include collecting data pertaining to per capita waste generation figures, disposal rates, savings in greenhouse emission savings, recycling rates, etc. 

Read our Blog: “How do Remotely Managed IoT Devices Work”

3.  Using Resources Efficiently

Resource management has to be done such that they are not depleted. Using sensor data strategically and deploying machine learning models, smart grid networks are set up to predict demand according to the supply-demand figures. In the case of electricity, smart systems can help to generate only as much electricity as required, thus minimizing wastage. 

4.  Less CO2 and Methane Emissions

Sensors can be used to monitor, detect pollution, and identify those points that can accommodate natural interventions. Open-source hardware and software designs are being attempt for remote monitoring work to go on at low costs. One of the main challenges of handling pollution is the lack of data that is available. 

Low-cost sensors are being fitted in public places in many cities to monitor pollution levels. Analytics and their results are making available actionable evidence so that authorities can impress charges on the guilty.

5.  Managing Land Use

Surveillance technology is providing municipal authorities to put land to better use and allocate more space for green cover. This will reduce pollution. Modern technologies are allowing citizens to make more contributions towards managing land use. Data analytics helps government bodies to set up better infrastructure that can be better monitored.

6.  Renewable Energy

Sensor data and their analytics is helping government authorities to integrate modern renewable energy usage with traditional energy usage. Renewable energy companies are attempting large-scale process efficiency and reducing costs. Better management of wind and solar power plants, their optimally spaced maintenance schedules, and improved safety measures are areas that have been facilitated using sensor data and further data analytics. 

Read our blog:“AiAgent on Multitech MultiConnect Conduit”


Data collection and management and further access to this information help civic authorities make multi-faceted improvements in the infrastructure of today’s cities.

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Q1: What are the three layers of a smart city’s analytics technology?

A1: The three layers are:

  • Perception Layer consists of the cameras, RFIDs, sensors, and GPS
  • Network Layer –WIFi, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and other protocols
  • Application Layer consists of smart applications that receive information from the Perception Layer via the Network Layer

Q2: How can big data analytics be used fruitfully in smart cities?

A2: Data from IoT devices and sensors can be analyze to discover trends and requirements of smart cities. Such data analytics can help civic authorities in making better use of infrastructure and control systems in a better fashion thereby leading to improved quality of life for its residents. 

Q3: What are the applications of IoT in smart homes?

A3: Some of the benefits that IoT devices bring to smart homes are:

  • Greater comfort
  • Better spending patterns
  • More security
  • Smart lighting 
  • Eco-friendly impact
  • Smart parking
  • Smart water management, etc.

Q4: What infrastructure is requiring for a smart city?

A4: Examples of infrastructure for smart cities include smart buildings, smart utility grids for water, electricity and gas supply, smart mobility, and smart waste management systems.